My Dad "Bill" and a family friend George came to Charlotte this week. We got a chance to tour the shops and I was able to get us in for some really in depth tours of the MWR and Ganassi Racing facilities. It was nice to be able to show them around town and take them through some really awesome Nextle Cup shops. We also spent some time at ESR and were able to slide George in my race car. We only had a few days but we got a lot done including some wake boarding. I thought I would hit the water a little before Talladega. I am really looking forward to this weekend the #2 boys have put some enormous effort and time into these last two races. I hope we can get our 4th win of the year and close up that points gap
Michael McDowell
Nice pic.
I recently bought one of McD's t-shirts because when he's a big time NASCAR driver I will be totally cool for having one of his t-shirts from back in the day before he was super famous.
That, and I liked it.
Less than 2 days until we get to see some Talladega racing!
Love the new look of your blog. The pictures really add a lot.
Good Luck on Friday!
Nice shot George. That was fun...nice meeting you Billdo! Bring your good luck to Talladega...
Mike...I'll water your grass don't you worry. The MacLauren crazies will be watching...
Cool lokes like me lol........... goob luck fri pedeal to the metal, say hi to your dad and, George.
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